Please Support At-Risk Animals in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico

MX$ 70.00 raised MX$ 50000.00

Bueno Bites isn't just about delicious treats; it's a lifeline for the vulnerable animals in our community. Operated by CCAW, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering awareness and compassion for animal welfare in Nayarit, Mexico, we're on the front lines, providing vital support and care.

Every day, countless animals are abandoned or born into hardship on our streets. Despite our tireless efforts, we're struggling to keep up with the pressing demands of medical bills, transportation costs, and the basic necessities of life like food and shelter.

Your donation can make an immediate difference. With your generosity, we can swiftly nurse animals back to health and, hopefully, provide the means for them to find loving forever homes. But time is of the essence.

We're facing a critical deadline with new legislation looming, set to take effect in August 2024. This legislation threatens to complicate our ability to find adopters in the USA, making your support even more crucial.

Please, consider making a small donation today. Every contribution, no matter the size, goes directly toward helping animals in need. Together, we can make a tangible impact on the lives of these deserving creatures. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

Recent donations

Dustin made a donation. MXN 50.00

3 months ago

Anonymous made a donation. MXN 20.00

4 months ago

Secure Donation ($MXN) 100 pesos = 5.50 usd



Currency shown in Mexican pesos Average conversion in 2024: $17 MXN= $1 USD MULTIPLE BY 17 IF DONATING IN US DOLLARS

How much of my donation goes to animals??

100% of your donation will be used to directly support animals in need in Nayarit, MX. Covered expenses are limited to medical expenses, food, and travel and documentation expenses related to adoption. If you would like to support one animal in particular, please include a comment on your donation or email [email protected]